Have you set a new years resolution for this year? One of the most common areas people choose to improve is their health and fitness.
Chinese Medicine is a system that looks at your body in entirety – the way your body, mind, emotions all work in together. If your interested in learning about how Chinese medicine looks at this integration, check out Marie’s blog posts:
New Years Resolution PART 1 – Thinking (Yi) and the Spleen Qi
New Years Resolution PART 2 – Will Power (Zhi)and the Kidney Qi
If there is a physical imbalance, it will affect your body’s functions in emotions, and mental health. Acupuncture, Chinese herbs and targeted diet strategy (using foods as medicine) can strengthen your chances of achieving your goals and helping your mental health.
Acupuncturists and Herbalists also work on specific health problems, if you have pain, digestive problems, headaches, or any chronic health problems – these can hinder you from achieving your best.
Ask our practitioners about your specific health problems or make an appointment here.