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Natural Health & Self-Treatment Empowerment Courses
with Marie Hopkinson 2024









New On-Demand Courses 2024

Start viewing the world through the ancient lens of Chinese medicine. Find out how to live in harmony with yourself, nature and how to detect illness and imbalance at the earliest signs for self-treatment and prevention. 

Click on the FIND OUT MORE button for course content. All courses are available as on-demand learning where you can learn anywhere, anytime at your own pace. 

five element self care

Discover who you are, how to get better physical and mental health. learn life-long self help tools that are tailored exactly for you

4+ Hours Training

7 sessions

Learn at your Own Pace

mini course

Discover the world of mental health as it relates to the seasons, the elements and all things ancient Chinese Medicine. Quick course you can take in an hour, this is a great introductory step in your learning journey for self care.

1+ hour training

5 short sessions



fed up with being at the mercy of dis-empowering health systems?


Feeling like there has to be a better way to live healthy


Wanting to live practices that promote health and longevity


Wanting to meet likeminded people interested in Chinese Medicine & self help from all over the world?

Course Programs 2024

Discover a range of course programs, at different price points, time commitments. 

All Courses offered here can be taken by any person with a keen interest to learn. 

No previous experience required or course pre-requisites. 

No Exams, No Assignment 

Only relevant, practical learning.  

Get Started Today

Join People from All over the World

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Meet your Teacher, Marie Hopkinson

years teaching experience
+ hours clinical practice

Marie Hopkinson

Chinese Herbalist & Acupuncturist

Marie is an experienced Chinese Medicine practitioner both a herbalist and acupuncturist. Initially studying in Perth, Marie went on to study at Hangzhou TCM Hospital and then completing a Masters of International Health at Curtin Uni. In recent years Marie has been studying Classical Chinese Herbal Medicine, taught by Arnaud Versluys through ICEAM.  

Marie has 21 years experience in treating patients working full-time in clinical practice since 2001. 

Marie is also a lecturer in Chinese Medicine and social science, teaching at both university level and designing short courses for practitioners and laypeople in Chinese medicine at TAFE’s and private colleges over the years.  and has taught hundreds of hours as well as over 10 years supervising multiple acupuncture student practitioners at once as a clinical supervisor. 

Marie established a youtube channel, The Chinese Medicine Podcast to spread the self help aspects of Acupressure, diet therapy and understanding how Chinese medicine works to a worldwide audience. The channel now has over 4500 subscribers, and a growing audience on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.  

Marie's Qualifications

Master International Health (Curtin Uni)

Diplomate Canonical Chinese Medicine (ICEAM) 

Certificate TCM (Zhezhang University /Hangzhou Shi Zhong Yi Yuan) 

CertIV Training & Assessing (Aust)

Advanced Diploma TCM (Perth Academy of Natural Therapies) 

Diploma Chinese Herbal Medicine (Perth Academy of Natural Therapies)


Elements, Organs, Yin & Yang, Han Dynasty Medicine (Overview of the Shang Han Lun System), Emotions and How we get sick 

36 hours

3 hours / week 

1 x 12 week module

Chinese diet therapy for self care

Learn how to use food as medicine, comprehensive course teaching all aspects of chinese diet therapy, cooking methods, properties of foods and medicinal recipes (medicinal wines, teas and more). foods for various stages of life to promote health, healing and longevity. 

30+ hours

3 hours / week 

1 x 12 week module


Elements, Organs, Yin & Yang, Han Dynasty Medicine (Overview of the Shang Han Lun System), Emotions and How we get sick 

36 hours

3 hours / week 

1 x 12 week module

mini course

Emotional Self-Care with the Five Elements

Learn emotional mastery and self-care using the 5 element model. 

3 hours

3 Hour session