Chinese Medicine


Sciatica is one of the most common pain’s an acupuncturist typically sees. There are lots of variations of treatments that can be used by an Acupuncturist, and even Chinese herbs are available as a treatment option. Cupping, Moxibustion and Electro acupuncture are common treatments for sciatic pain, but before we go into these treatments, let’s […]

Health Benefits of Ginger

Ginger is a very common herb used in Chinese Medicine, with heaps of health benefits. It’s no surprise when you see all the various ways it can be used. There are may uses in Naturopathic or western herbal medicine as well as Chinese medicine, for health problems. In Chinese Medicine, it’s one of those substances […]

Strengthen your Immune system with Chinese Medicine

No one likes to be sick with a flu, but actually the ability to get sick can be a sign of health. Our bodies ability to get a fever and regulate our body’s temperature is an important aspect of health. It’s not normal to get sick all the time, or to get sick with a cold […]

How much sleep do you really need?

It might surprise you that Chinese medicine promotes the concept that we don’t always need the same amount of sleep all the time. Just as the season change, so too should our body. In Perth right now, its summer – the hot days and warm nights mean it’s hard to fall asleep early. That’s ok! […]


What is the Chinese Medicine Diagnosis? This is the fundamental key of any good treatment is to start with the right diagnosis, and Chinese Medicine is no different. As it’s a different system of medicine altogether seperate from Western medicine (or biomedicine) the cause of a patients symptoms will be seen differently. The methods used […]


Headaches are a common symptom seen by Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine practitioners. As with all conditions, the way a Chinese Medicine practitioner approaches the treatment of headaches is to first establish the Chinese medicine diagnosis. Once a diagnosis has been made, the treatment is based on re-balancing the body, often headaches can be addressed […]

What is a Chinese Herbalist?

Exactly what does a Chinese Herbalist do? How is it different from a “herbalist” and why would I see a Chinese Herbalist? Marie Hopkinson, a Chinese herbalist from North Perth’s Metro health and Medicine explains: A Chinese herbalist practices according to the principals of Chinese Medicine.  Chinese Herbalist bases everything on Chinese Medicine. The diagnosis […]

Common problems

What conditions can be treated with Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine) ? Most patients initially seek help because of a particular health problems. These can be diagnosed diseases / syndromes or a symptom like a “cough”. At Metro Health the kind of Chinese medicine we practice is essentially about mobilising your own bodies […]

3 Instant Stress Busters

Stress. Just hearing the word itself can initiate a physical response in the body for some people. In this stress series, Marie Hopkinson, Chinese Medicine practitioner gives some quick tips to reduce the effects of stress on your body. IDENTIFY the feeling or symptoms you feel. What do you feel in your body? Tight muscles, aches […]

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