Cold & Flu

30 days of winter…day 2…Five foods you need for winter

Day 2 Lets talk about preparation for the inevitable colds and flus. There is no way to avoid it completely. Whether you see it as the Chinese Medicine system does – that our body can’t defend against with the cold and windy weather, or from a biomedical perspective –  the season that see’s workplace offices […]


Considered one of the 6 Pathogens in Chinese Medicine, wind can cause disharmony in our body. No, in case you were wondering, we are not talking about the flatulence type of wind! Much of Chinese medicine can be understood from observation, particularly observing our body and the environment. While moderate wind in the environment is tolerable, […]

Winter flu in spring? Why you get sick in the change of season

Why are flu’s and cold just as common, sometimes more common in spring as they are in winter? Why do we get winter colds in warmer weather like spring and summer? Chinese medicine has some answers. As one season ends, another comes. Yin into yang, yang into yin. While it’s normal around this time of […]

Health Benefits of Ginger

Ginger is a very common herb used in Chinese Medicine, with heaps of health benefits. It’s no surprise when you see all the various ways it can be used. There are may uses in Naturopathic or western herbal medicine as well as Chinese medicine, for health problems. In Chinese Medicine, it’s one of those substances […]

Strengthen your Immune system with Chinese Medicine

No one likes to be sick with a flu, but actually the ability to get sick can be a sign of health. Our bodies ability to get a fever and regulate our body’s temperature is an important aspect of health. It’s not normal to get sick all the time, or to get sick with a cold […]

How does Chinese Medicine view cold and flus?

How does Chinese Medicine view cold and flus? The unique perspective of Chinese medicine shows us a different way of looking at how we get sick. It is because of this unique perspective that Chinese medicine has treatments to offer where other medicines don’t. Firstly in understanding cause of disease, Chinese medicine sees 3 main […]

Winter Flu Busters

There are lots of early-intervention foods that can treat colds and flus in Chinese medicine. THE KEY IS EARLY TREATMENT. Waiting until symptoms have lingered more than a day, it will be difficult to treat with food cures, however if you can catch the symptoms early enough then foods can provide a cheap, effective relief […]

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